@avclub-b1930b61fe9011a84ab4eb80af65ec45:disqus I agree that that the baseball thing was pure nonsense. I remember at the time hoping it was a tape delay or something but then forgot about it.
@avclub-b1930b61fe9011a84ab4eb80af65ec45:disqus I agree that that the baseball thing was pure nonsense. I remember at the time hoping it was a tape delay or something but then forgot about it.
@avclub-7aee1b75b527e215f31e20a5c4e7a768:disqus I just cant agree with you about Beth Behrs. I feel like she telegraphs every word, emotion and movement, and her voice is damn near nails on a chalkboard to me. Maybe a lot of it is just how bad that character is written and the jokes are so obvious that no one could…
Let me 'splain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up. CBS will once again make the other channels its prison bitches.
yes. the most generic, vanilla show that rises above the level of suck is going to attract the biggest across the board following.
I really don't get what the whole single-cam/multicam debate is. I realize they are created and work differently but as a viewer what difference does it make? For all I care they can do the show with stop motion paper cut outs so long as it's good.
I figure when I am finally tired of this cruel world and want to check out I will be able to marathon a season of The Crazy Ones and that will give me the fortitude to put that ice pick through my ear.
kind of like McDonald's is what you are saying? Per crap but at least it's pure crap you can depend on?
If you aren't watching Elementary you are only depriving yourself.
Is there a mystery about the ratings slump? I assumed it was because of the way it just disappeared for weeks at a time. I love the show but even I forgot about it once when it was gone a while.
I don't know where you get "great cast" from. I love Kat Dennings and not just for the obvious reasons but there isn't a single other actor on this show that doesn't bring down every scene they appear in, and that includes Garrett Morris.
In that header pic she looks exactly like this blow up doll one of my college friends brought as his date to a Halloween party. Even had the same expression on it's face.
@avclub-8b057379a749e204ce69ef8b3acded20:disqus My thoughts exactly. Another thing, I don't have any friends from India but I was annoyed that he was embarrassed by his culture's ceremonies. He sounded like a whiny 6 year old.
@avclub-70bbc051341bb1f5c1fdb481a767c1cc:disqus I see what you are saying. My comment was as much directed at several of the posts over this whole thread but yours just seemed like a good fit to put in my two cents.
Hold on. Are the people painting Shivrang as an angel forgetting that he kept trying to get Cece in the sack even though he was supposed to be pining for Taylor Swift? Seems Shivrang was a bit of a douche himself.
I figure the moment he came back for a second date after that movie date it was obvious manhood was way down on Shivrang's list of priorities.
That would be pretty awesome.
Then fill out your profile you lazy bum.
< slap >
Regarding Shivrang going along with the wedding. Do you personally know anyone that is part of a culture that still does arranged marriages? I do and from what I have seen it can be really hard to get out of something that your whole family and community expects of you.