no one

With Happy Endings gone they could bring Coach around a few times and have Winston see him as a rival. Seeing Winston with his back up and defending his turf could be fun.

I don't know. Zooey Deschanel is a movie star after all. How much longer are they going to be able to keep her tied to a TV show? They could try something different and keep them together as a couple for two years and then everyone runs off back to hollywood.

Where do we come from?

I don't think CeCe was being a jerk. She was just trying to do what she thought was smart. Her clock is ticking, she's got all kinds of pressure from her family and she can't picture Schmidt as a serious option as a lifetime mate and father for her kids. But in the end she gives into what her heart wants instead of

thx @avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus

I keep reading these and from the context I think I get it but what exactly does it mean to "break" it? Just to break down the story?

I did not see that ending coming. Love when a commercial can get a real laugh out of me.

I agree with Fogleman also. But then, I have no opinions of my own.

I completely agree. Jeremy Brett/Edward Hardwicke to me is still the gold standard for Holmes/Watson but what JLM and Liu are doing is wonderful to watch.

Yeah, he just isn't convincing in the part and it doesn't help that the show has him playing more evil super crazy than evil super genius. Really have my hopes up for Elementary but a good Moriarty is probably harder to pull off  than a good Irene.

I have to admit I enjoyed thinking about your theory. But as you say, growing evidence against it and the more I think about it the less I think it's likely. And they do need to avoid the temptation to turn Moriarty into a Bond villain.

Can't it be joyous and blistering?

I think all the kids are pretty good. But the only one that really matters is Dick Butkus and he is great.

What @avclub-28b1819668d7c62501acb9852cad10a9:disqus said. I have no opinions of my own.

Possibly maybe a word or two about Apple and Microsoft stock also.

I know I'm a freak but I'll lose Happy Endings if it means I can have more The Neighbors. Happy Endings is good but there isn't anything new or different about it to me Also, must have more Toks Olagundoye.

We understand that we are terrible people.


Actually that made me sad. I thought it was a missed opportunity for a Clyde moment.

As much as I love the casting in Sherlock, I've thought for at least 10 episodes that Elementary is a better show. JLM and Liu are certainly not better than Cumberbatch and Freeman but if they lag behind at all it isn't by very much. But half the stories in Sherlock have been terrible. Just huge gaps in logic and