
I've worked or been to hundreds of film festivals, screenings, and awards shows. There are few things as generally disappointing about being a human as seeing a grown person of relative affluence asking for an autograph.

Jon Snow is a terrible character, right? I've heard that people LOVE him. Which I find very hard to believe. He's a wet blanket, covered in boring juice.

Oh hi, Beth!

I read somewhere recently that 1996-2002 was the worst point in American pop culture history. most of that argument was predicated on the overuse of horrible CGI, and inexplicable presence of horrible music. I don't know if I agree but the CGI in Escape from LA, particularly that surf scene would be a pretty good

I still listen to that soundtrack. I wish everyone on my list would make shit together. Like if PT Anderson were to do a Pynchon adaptation I'd be in heaven. Or if Lars Von Triers regularly straight ripped off directorial techniques from Godard (Goddard?!? Learn to spell me! God you are a fucking moron!).

I forget David Lynch because he hasn't made anything in such a long time. I hope that changes soon. But seriously this was some shit: http://www.youtube.com/watc…

PT Anderson, Thomas Pynchon, Jim Jarmusch, David Milch, Lars Von Trier, Tom Robbins, Jean Luc Goddard, Neil Young. Doesn't matter if any of those mentioned above create something bad it will at least be interesting.*

4:22 PST

Lesson learned. Don't take shortcuts.

The thing about Pynchon and Anderson is that their work is always, at the very least, interesting. Inherent Vice is Pynchon's most accessible and easiest read without being pandering or dull. I'd suggest reading it but I'd also suggest reading any of his stuff.

I disliked the ending. It didn't feel tacked on, it was obviously tacked on. The reason for the films delay. Test audiences are an odd bunch and they typically aren't representative of the demographic that eventually sees the film. I see this film as a fan of noir, the potential for good writing, acting, and the

The big third act twist was such a deus ex machina, that it kind of ruined the movie for me. Asian tourists? PFFT!

David Mulch — the brand new lawn product that improves moisture and adds subtext!

I usually watch this show on 2x fast forward, leave it going in the b.g., while I work on something else on this here computer. I'll typically go back to normal speed if something interesting sounds like it's happening which usually involves Unser or Jimmy Smits. I don't hate the show. It's kind of fascinating because

It may have worked but the female character was just so thinly drawn. Such a broad shrew archetype that she becomes grating halfway through the second act. Real Sophie is really no better than a Stepford wife herself, just slightly updated. "I just want a sensitive man!"

But I love him and he loves me. We're going to fight this illness together!

Not true. Just trust me on that one.

As a sixteen year old stoner my friends and I used to drive around on our lunch hour, smoke weed and play "hey cow." Hey cow is a game where you roll down the window, yell "hey cow" and try to get the cows to respond. It's really hard to do. Alas, if we only had trombones.

I was there it was free