molly man

I feel like we've seen this crisis (should the Doctor interfere?) a zillion times, so the reveal isn't as striking as they wanted it to be. The crisis happens twice in this very episode (he doesn't want to save the town…then he changes his mind…doesn't want to save the girl…then changes his mind).

I periodically dip back into Skyrim: it's fun, but it can be really frustrating to start from scratch, since it takes hours and hours to beef up your stats. Last time around, I was a dragon-slaying demigod…and now I'm a hopeless gimp, getting my ass kicked by crabs.

"Meh, I could probably do that too" seems like a delusional response to this video. (Armchair samurai…)

I'm never talking to you again.

iCura Vision is committed to the discovery and development of therapeutics for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration.

Same here. I guess I no longer have to ponder the question, "should I keep watching this? it's really fucking dumb, but I kinda like it…killer angels!"

Not to pick a fight, but Of Grammatology is probably the most absurd book I've ever read: I'm amazed that anyone takes it seriously. Absurd in its argumentative style: the deconstructive procedure of taking a word out of context, pointing out that (duh) words have different meanings, and then arguing grand

I think I know what you mean, and it's pretty galling. The implication is "your argument is very predictable and hacky…I can name what you're doing, I can see right through you…while mine is so much more sophisticated and novel!" But novelty doesn't win the argument: facts/common sense do.

True, it's bad tactics/strategy, if the point is to organize and get stuff done. But it also takes the form of piss-poor thinking, the sort that we laugh at when our opponents on the right do it. "You're against the war because you secretly hate America"…a complete non sequitur, ridiculous and meaningless…but

If I find certain PCisms ridiculous or gross, it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm panicking about threats to my social position. It might mean that I have an aversion to empty sloganeering, radical chic posturing, and sloppy thinking. White privilege is very real, of course, but the phrase "white privilege," as

The implication of this piece is that Zardoz is a ridiculous film. Bullshit! It's a great film! Though I think I was high every time I saw it, so let me get back to you on that.

Charlotte Rampling doing her sexy Nazi dance in The Night Porter = complicated boner

I agree, that would be interesting, though I see why they like to stick with the current formula…all the Doctor's adventures filtered through a 20-something Brit's point of view. Endless opportunities to throw in a reference to contemporary pop culture (Big Brother, or whatever). Contrast between crazy life with the

Reading between the lines: the French are a nation of pussies because they surrendered to the Nazis 75 years ago? What a stupid (and racist) idea. But historically speaking, I bet if you took any square mile of Italy or Germany, and traced how many times it has changed hands over the years, you'd find a lot more

"Eons ago, there existed an elite group of chaos warriors who ravaged
the galaxy with a boundless hatred of all things alive. They were called
the Scumdogs of the Universe, and they grew in might and fury, the
greatest weapon in the arsenal of their cosmic Master.

Reminded me of that Next Generation episode, with the race of irritating cowards, whose planet had been invaded over and over again.

Gwar + Predator + Daedric armor


MJH was American and black,and is now dead. He wasn't blind, though.

If you want to party with me, you've gotta have a working knowledge of Dalek-based catchphrases.