I urge those who haven't done so already to go find a copy of the Graphic Novels for Nausicaa- IIRc, they were done before the movie and are much much more epic. also, Miyazaki's drawings are absolutely enthralling and beautiful.
I urge those who haven't done so already to go find a copy of the Graphic Novels for Nausicaa- IIRc, they were done before the movie and are much much more epic. also, Miyazaki's drawings are absolutely enthralling and beautiful.
this is actually pretty damn good.
also going to redrocks, but im inserting this here in hopes that QoTSA fans of all stripes know that theres an actual honest to goodness FUCKINGAWESOMEBLOODYKNUCKLESANDEXPOSIONSDEATHRACE video out there for the album and it can be seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Kip Kasper!!!
LASTLY-the new album is really really really good.
any discussion of the magnitude of this man's Magnificence must make mention that he bedded and has sired two children with the baddest and most mother-fuckingest bitch on the planet, Brody Dalle of the missed Distillers. http://cdn.buzznet.com/asse…
readers not familiar with Denver's punk scene in the late 80's/early 90's might not be familiar with Morrisey's other choice in rides: https://www.youtube.com/wat…
possible spoiler for a 27 year old movie—
hey shitsnack- you didn't leave enough room. thanks for ruining our fun.