Death Clown

I read a couple tweets and sort of thought he might be mocking Trumpistas. Then I read a few more and realized he was serious.

I refuse to believe Tosh.0 is still on the air.

The weird thing about Morgan is that in his career, he was the kind of player that was a bit underrated by the mainstream, but when sabermetrics came into vogue they rated him much higher. And yet as an announcer he was always decrying advanced statistics.

Planning on seeing the intersection of the Mastodon tour with the Opeth/Gojira/Devin Townsend tour in Philadelphia. Fuck yeah.

I haven't been able to watch much lately because I work at nights now, but I managed to catch the end of this one. I vaguely know Tim because we used to have mutual acquaintances from Magic: the Gathering. He's the second Magic player to appear on the show in recent months.

Hahahah what?!?! Hillary Clinton is much, much more "self-made" than Donald Trump.

According to me, the most popular person born on Halloween is me.

I was supposed to get laid off several weeks ago due to a contract ending. I had come to terms with it, partially because there isn't really anywhere else for me to go at this company and partially because I haven't had extended time off in years. However, my supervisor really, really likes me, and she manages to keep

Kelly Ayotte is awful. Looking forward to voting against her.

You guys are probably gonna make fun of this, but he was a pretty good guitarist. RIP.

This article spends a lot of time calling Lochte handsome, but…is he? I understand he's got the athletic body, but I usually take 'handsome' to mainly refer to the face, and I don't really see how his face is that handsome.

At least that movie led to a great episode of We Hate Movies.

I 'loved' when they pretty much ignored the Kazakh swimmer who unexpectedly won a gold medal to focus entirely on the American who took home silver.

You forgot the word "SERAH!!!!" Though that's mostly Snow's dialogue.

Tool's Ænima.

There aren't too many at any given time. Most of them (like Ross) combine tournament winnings and writing strategy articles.

I'm a casual acquaintance of Ross through the Magic: the Gathering community. Too bad he ran into a very strong player in Pranjal.

12 albums? For real?

The Pompeii clue made me so mad at the contestants. JUST BECAUSE THE OTHER PEOPLE GUESSED DOESN'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO WHEN YOU CLEARLY HAVE NO IDEA. I guess it was kind of hilarious that the first guess was so far off, but then the other two decided he was probably in the right ballpark.

The commercials made this look unbelievably awful. I guess they weren't wrong.