Death Clown

Songs of Innocence is great. I think it's their best album since The Joshua Tree.

I would just make Ayreon's entire 'Universal Migrator Part 2: Flight of the Migrator' album the soundtrack to Interstellar.

Buzzy has to be the most uninspiring 7-time champ ever. He's not very good yet keeps winning somehow, usually through his opponents imploding.

I've been getting heavily into tabletop gaming lately. The wife and I are really enjoying Viticulture. I'm also on the Diablo III seasonal grid.

That would be fine on a regular show as well. Jeopardy doesn't punish for adding or dropping "The", "A", and "An" at the beginning of a title, unless it could possibly refer to a different work (e.g. Invisible Man vs. The Invisible Man).

I'm a nerd and I'm married to a nerd. It's actually pretty awesome.

I'd much rather watch competitive League of Legends than play the game.

I was somewhat surprised at how well Hodgman fit in. I was kind of worried his style wouldn't quite mesh with The Flop House, but he was perfect. And the episode was definitely an all-time great.

Of course it fucking goes to Inarritu. There's Best Picture sown up for The Revenant, most likely.

Step Brothers is a good movie.

It's too bad Killswitch Engage was never the same after that album.

Why do people never cite Still Life when they talk about Opeth? To me, it's by far their best work. The riffs on that album…hrngh.

Is that any more ridiculous than Leicester leading the league at Christmas?

Yeah, a lot of the contestants try to spread the sabotages around, when really the best strategy is to try to pile all the sabotages onto one poor sap so that they're almost certain to be eliminated.

Damn, didn't even know there was a new Silversun Pickups this year.

Steven Wilson - "Three Years Older"

It's probably better if you don't like football, actually, since the football gameplay on the show tends to be wildly implausible.

I kept loading 'more comments' until I saw someone mention this album. It's an incredible achievement, and yet it's probably not even as good as his last solo release!

If we could find some way to have Kyle Chandler become the head coach of one of the teams in the Super Bowl, I'd be cool with that. As long as we get to see the inspirational halftime speech.

S.C.I.E.N.C.E. is their best album and it's still a bit stuck in the funk/rap-metal, but even the latter half of that album is pretty innovative. "Summer Romance" and "Deep Inside" are fantastic.