Death Clown

S.C.I.E.N.C.E. and Morning View are great all the way through. I've actually soured on Make Yourself a little bit because a lot of the songs are same-y. Ever since Morning View, each album has had about half good songs and half crap.

And then, after a big-hit single laden debut album, MGMT released Congratulations. Which I fucking love, but it's such a huge departure from Oracular Spectacular.

Hey, I've been in that store.

"It don't matter. None of this matters." is probably my all-time most frequently quoted line from any sort of entertainment.

"And you get this…this frickin' robot over here."

No, Highlander was a documentary, and its events were filmed in real time.

How the fuck did Down get lumped in with all those shitty bands? Down is great!

Don't be afraid to just jump into the LFG channel and join a green Muspelheim raid. Green Muspelheim is completely faceroll these days.

Cheating was rampant in the old days (around 2000). It generally gets caught these days, especially with so much Internet coverage.

Heh, yeah, I wasn't mentioned in the article (though I do know the people mentioned to varying degrees). I was volunteering myself somewhat jokingly, since I don't think I've been at the highest levels enough to really qualify.

Block doesn't exist at all anymore in any real sense. When there aren't any Pro Tours or GPs for the format, it's dead.

Aggro decks are not the only deck that works. It dominates the ladder because ladder is about winning games quickly. Tournaments are much more balanced.

It's difficult. They're traveling all the time to play in GPs where they might not get anything worthwhile from. Most pros are also producing content (writing or videos) for web sites as their primary income, since very few people can actually make a living this way.

Kibler's a very friendly guy and doesn't seem to take himself too seriously.

I can't disagree more. The competitive scene is generally very friendly.

I've played on three Pro Tours and top 8'ed one GP. That qualifies me for Expert Witness, right?

Well, there has been one black Pro Tour champion…

Hey, an article right up my alley! I've played on the Pro Tour 3 times and top 8'ed one GP. Also, I just cashed GP Providence even though I'm basically retired at this point.

They did just release Audiosurf 2, though.

Well, not to brag, but I've played at three Magic: The Gathering Pro Tours and made the top 8 of one MTG Grand Prix. I think that may as well make me a celebrity.