Death Clown

Venus is tallier and skinnier. Serena is more muscular. Happy to help!

How in the world could Messi represent everything you hate about the modern game? The hell?

I've grown to appreciate The Incident more recently (though I still wouldn't put it near the top of the PT canon). "I Drive the Hearse", in particular, stands up to just about any other PT song.

Yeah, it's fascinating to track the genre progression of Porcupine Tree alone, let alone his other projects. You would not think the Steven Wilson of On the Sunday of Life ends up at The Incident.

I'm so happy to see this already posted and upvoted. Prog fans on The AV Club…there may be dozens of us!

My memory is hazy, but I think both of those shows were in support of Lateralus. Fantomas was on the first tour and Tomahawk was on the second.

Yeah, I felt The Incident was a minor misstep. It's probably why Steven Wilson decided to step away from the Porcupine Tree moniker for a while.

Yeah, I love the first Mars Volta album, about half of the second album, and nothing since then.

I hated Lateralus at first.

I did always find the placement of those songs weird. Maybe they just thought Parabol(a) and Lateralus had such positive lyrics that they needed a negative song in between them. I dunno.

I've seen them twice. The first time Fantomas opened, and we were late, so I missed it, which pissed me off. The second time, Tomahawk opened, and we weren't late. So at least I got to see Mike Patton open for Tool one time!

2011 was probably about the year for me also. Once it got to more than 5 years since the last release, anything new will just be a pleasant surprise.

Right now the thing Maynard is most focused on is his winery. Once you know that, it's reaaaalllllly hard to take the band at face value.

I'm not much of one for lyrics in songs - I tend to just let the music wash over me. If I like a song, good lyrics enhance it, and bad lyrics can be handwaved away. If I don't like a song, good lyrics are shrugged off, and bad lyrics are another tool to make fun of the song. However, most of my favorite songs have

I think the two versions of "Pushit" are just different enough that I really enjoy and regularly listen to both.

I'm one of the biggest prog fans on this site. I think Dream Theater has one fantastic CD (Images & Words), one pretty good CD (Scenes from a Memory), and a bunch of wank.

I mean, when the payoff is "Maynard's Dick", who wouldn't enjoy sitting through that?

And, speaking of the EP/live album thing, I think their cover of
"No Quarter" is incredible.

Well, they're not exactly prolific, so there's not too much to delve into. Four full-lengths, one EP, and one weird EP/live album thing.

Honestly, I essentially don't. The only songs I really dislike are a few of the songs off of Opiate, or some of the intermission tracks, which barely count.