Death Clown

I don't think Tool fans hate Parabol(a) and Lateralus. Those songs are fantastic.

Is that really the argument for Tool? Full disclosure, I'm a huge Tool fan, but they're not instrumental wankery on the level of a lot of prog bands, such as Dream Theater.

I still wish the singers from Ayreon's The Human Equation were the voices in this movie. I demand Devin Townsend and Mikael Akerfeldt!

My favorite quote from this episode, which pretty much sums up The Flop House (and I say that as a huge fan):

Man, I can't believe it's already been 9 years since 10,000 Days. Supposedly they're recording right now. Supposedly.

Most of their stuff is hit and miss, but Images & Words is flawless.

You gotta love the fact that they did a cover of an Irish drinking song.

I feel like Porcupine Tree refutes most of the stereotypical complaints about prog. You want emotion? PT's got it in fucking spades. Listen to "Where We Would Be".

Images & Words is a masterpiece.

Hey man, Images & Words is a fucking masterpiece. I can take or leave a lot of the rest of Dream Theater's discography, but that album is perfect.

Although I have a soft spot in my heart for it, it's too bad that the rest of that movie can't live up to "Kickapoo" and "Beelzeboss".

There was a small contingent of us prog fans when there was still a regular metal column, but there's not really anywhere for us to congregate anymore. Except the odd article like this, I suppose.

My wife and I went to the Colin and Brad show last year. We were called up on stage to do the first skit. It included Colin wearing my wife and Brad wearing me like a backpack, and ended on the two of them straddling the two of us as canoes.

…..Grey's Anatomy is STILL on the air?!?!

…while everyone else seems to be making fun of "Hunger Strike", I just want to point out that this album is pretty great.

De-Loused is great. Frances the Mute is pretty good. I don't need anything TMV has done since then.

Weird bit of timing, that, given the AV Club had an interview with Jon Paul Steuer yesterday.

Yeah, those are some lazy-ass costumes.

"I’ll straight-up say I like “Red Solo Cup.” (Toby Keith as a person or a political entity, not so much.)"

I've only just started listening to CBB and PFT's off-mic laughs are already my favorite part.