Death Clown

Not that anyone here should particularly care, but apparently audition selection e-mails have gone out for this year's Boston auditions, and I didn't receive one. Wait 'til next year!


Wasn't Waffle Iron the first-level clue? I think those are allowed to be pretty easy, even in this tournament.

I was…unjustifiably smug over getting "Sabotage" when none of the contestants did.

Lots of relatively easy clues went unanswered in this game, which I found odd because Julia has generally seemed to have a good knowledge base. I suppose it's actually a good sign for her that it may have been an off-game but she still had the lead going into FJ!. And, of course, won.

I don't think Marlon was necessarily a bad player. He ran up against a 9-time champion and another very strong player, and when he fell behind early he probably got nervous and rang in with guesses when he should have stayed silent. On another day, who knows.

You're missing the point. The owners are richer than the players to a very large degree, and the players are the ones the fans actually care about. It's extremely silly that people seem to get more mad at the players during periods of labor strife because "they make millions anyway" rather than the billionaire

Hell, I was a shithead until I was 26 or so, when I made the conscious decision to…stop being a shithead. Now I'm getting married to the most amazing woman, which definitely would not have happened if I were the person I was 5 years ago.

Probably an unpopular opinion here, but I've always really liked Incubus. They have a lot of great non-single songs on their CDs, but I like the singles too.

I was happy Maria lost. I don't think she could have played any slower.


Well, they recovered again with seasons 3-5. Most of us just sort of pretend season 2 never happened, except for that one scene with Coach talking to Matt in the shower.

My only disappointment with this episode is that Kyle Chandler only had, like, two lines. I wanted him to give some sort of ridiculous motivational speech!

It was kind of unfortunate for Matt and Thad that they both clearly knew all the baseball questions. I have to imagine in most Jeopardy games, at most one person will be familiar with baseball trivia.

The same thing happened to me. Fortunately, even though I was pretty sure Olivier was a Nazi in Marathon Man, I didn't have a better guess anyway so I just went with it.

I got that DD because I remembered a Final Jeopardy from a few years back that had to do with 'writing on the wall'. I wonder if it's weird that I recalled that specific clue rather than, y'know, actually knowing anything about the Bible.

Re: Back-to-back successful champions. I didn't do this research myself, it's taken shamelessly from a similar topic on Jboard. That said:

Not a TV show, but I love what they did with this trope in Beerfest.

Hooray, even more Smurfs jokes on The Bugle!

I can understand why it happens. Appearing on Jeopardy in the first place is probably a bit nervewracking, and when you hear you're up against a 10-time champion, some people probably decide they're defeated before the game even begins.