Death Clown

Definitely a sloppy game from Arthur. Better opponents could have defeated him in this game. Hell, even I would have had a chance just from picking up a lot of high-value clues the contestants missed (Wish You Were Here, Spike Lee, Razorback…)

Yeah, it's really unfortunate that Mike got drawn against Brad. I'm pretty sure Mike was the second-most impressive player out of the 15.

I never cared for Down on the Upside because I couldn't stand his voice on that album.

Yeah…after reading these plot points, it makes me glad I checked out near the end of season 1, and I have no intention of watching season 2. This show strikes me as a show that people so badly wanted to be good that they just decided ahead of time that it actually was good.

This is like the end of that Monty Python episode with The Spanish Inquisition.

Great article, Ryan. It's not just Reddit/Twitch chat that can be harmful, either. There's been some vile shit spewed at Scarlett by other players in the SC2 scene.

Even Team Liquid has been going down the tubes a bit. I don't want to sound like a "back in my day" type, but, uh…I'm about to. There's a clear difference in the average quality of TL posting before and after SC2 first came out.

Being forced to rewatch one of two great series is surely one of the great tragedies of our times, haha. I've been 'forced' to rewatch Buffy and FNL over the past couple of years since my fiancée had never seen them before. It was a great sacrifice on my part.

I've never read The Lottery, but the author's name has been lodged in my mind a while anyway because of the Simpsons, and the fact that my college president's name was Shirley Ann Jackson (who is among the most well-paid, if not THE most well-paid, college presidents in the country).

I decided I don't read enough anymore, so I set a goal for myself to read a book a month this year. Last month I read "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel Garcia Marquez. I enjoyed it, but it was tough going at first because so many characters share names, and his paragraphs could go on for pages and pages.

I was at the park where the bomb blew up about an hour beforehand. I wonder who they're going to cast to play me.

My last audition was five years ago, but I got the impression that the buzzer timing in the mock game wasn't particularly relevant. It seemed to me that Maggie was just making sure everyone got a few cracks at it.

Did you hear about Cluedo? That's messed up.

Joe has a decent argument to get a second chance on the show over the Narragansett thing. Players have been invited back for less.

I don't understand the often-expressed sentiment that the movies on Netflix suck. There are a lot of good movies available for Instant Streaming. I'll probably never watch all of the movies in my queue (or my list, or whatever it's called these days).

I mentally gave myself credit for getting the unrevealed clues in the category, since there was no way I would miss them when the $1600 and $2000 were so easy.

I felt bad for her being unable to ring in also, but there were a lot of relatively easy clues that went unanswered. She could at least have picked up a few of those, but maybe she mentally checked out when she was so far behind.

It strangely bothers me that the 10th-ranked responses are offset differently.

This is the only place I've seen where House of Cards wasn't beloved. On any other site, it would probably be #1 for Best Debut.

Yeah, I got stuck on trying to think of a TV sports character because of Jones and Cuban and came up empty.