Death Clown

I take the online test every year. I had one audition 5 or so years ago but didn't get selected to appear on the show.

The Stewart-Lawrence interview was so, so bad. I couldn't finish it.

In addition to the other examples in this topic, I loved Silversun Pickups getting a New Artist nom after their second LP, when their first was very well-received and had two songs hit the top ten on the Billboard Modern Rock chart.

This killed me every time it came up. Great riff.

For some reason I find it odd that Chris Rock is posting on Tim Meadows's Facebook.

"Iron Reagan" made me laugh the most. I don't even know why.

I like Hearthstone so far as well. It's certainly not as deep strategically as MTG, but it's a fun way to quickly kill some time, and of course it's still in beta so we don't know what the future may hold.

I'm just going to make the same point I made in another reply: most competitive players (and by competitive, I mean people who can reasonably expect to top 8 a PTQ, do well at a GP, etc.) just are not like that at all. Generally, the people who act like that are the people who aren't good enough.

That may be an attitude that sometimes happens at smaller local stores, but the people in the larger competitive scene (PTQs, GPs, PTs) tend to be very friendly. In my mind, people who get angry and act like assholes at local stores are the people who aren't good enough to compete at the bigger events, so they try to

I'm not one that usually cares about flavor in MTG at all, but I loved the flavor of Innistrad.

I find a lot of the posts here odd. The game itself is still very fun and hasn't really changed much. Any time I see things along the line of "it used to be fun, but isn't anymore" or "soul sucked out of the game" I mentally interpret it as that person having moved onto other things to spend their time with. And

Yeah, I feel like Rush actually does a lot better female fan-wise than most prog rock bands.

It's funny how long that has stuck to Rush. Peart grew out of the Rand shit, like, 35+ years ago.

Yeah, The Flop House is a bad movie podcast in name only. Bad movies are just a framework for them to riff and go off on tangents. They probably spend, on average, less than half of the episode actually talking about the movie.

I got briefly addicted to this show and started binging it on Netflix. After the end of the first arc of season 2 (episode 13), it just became too much for me. Too many plot twists, too many illogical actions, too much ridiculousness. Now I just look at the plot summaries for a laugh when I feel like it.

Duck Dynasty is "non-fiction". Sure.

Yeah, I said Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch because of "Good Vibrations" but I was pretty sure it wasn't right, because I refused to believe that would be a correct response on Jeopardy.

Another good binge watch on Netflix not mentioned in the article is Better Off Ted. I firmly believe that show would have lasted longer if it didn't have such a stupid title.

OK, so…I enjoy Pegg/Wright's movies, and I know Spaced comes highly recommended, but a couple years back I tried watching the first episode and couldn't get through it. Maybe I just need to give it another try, but does it improve from there?

I didn't even think Mordecai and Rigby were too at fault for the meal destruction. Why were there dishes stacked SO HIGH in the sink? That was the real culprit!