Death Clown

I get all the NBC channels and I didn't get Fox Soccer, so…I'm a big fan of it!

I was very disappointed that a Zaltzman guest appearance never happened.

First thing I thought of, too.  I want Devin Townsend and Mikael Akerfeldt in this movie.

I've been enjoying WHM as a recent convert but the "don't worry about Paul Walker" bit fell very flat for me.

Congratulations!  I'll be proposing in a few days (the acceptance is a foregone conclusion) and we also will not be having any sort of fancy wedding.  It will either be in my backyard with an accompanying big-ass party or we'll just sign papers and subsequently have a big-ass party.

I sometimes wonder if it's weird that I prefer a girl that's taller than me.  Granted, I'm only 5'8" so it's not that uncommon.  Fortunately for me my girlfriend is 5'10" (and awesome besides that, of course).

I love that MGMT CD.  It seems like everyone hated it because it wasn't Oracular Spectacular redux.

Fuck yeah Anathema.  Don't see them mentioned often on AV club.  Or…at all.

…I also used baseball statistics for a senior Economics project.

The Red Sox are far more worried about the Rays than the Yankees.  It would be nice if the Rays could lose a game once in a while.

Hey, that's not how rankings work!  If there's a tie for 9th, the next guy is 11th, not 10th!  I call shenanigans!

Thanks.  I have to admit I'm pretty happy with my current lot in life mainly because of her.  She almost makes me forget about my crippling debt!

Also, I would much rather have a full-time job with my own place than my current situation.  Granted, part of that is that my girlfriend also lives with her parents and we want to get a place but can't afford it.

I'm a 28-year old with a Masters who can't find a job, lives with my parents, and does the same bullshit part-time work I've been doing for the last 8 years.  However, I drink alone at home and read the AV Club (among other things) instead of going out drinking.  Hooray?

The difference between $10 vodka and competent vodka is still pretty clear, though.

I like to imagine that this account actually has the manatee/idea ball system from South Park.

Sure, I agree that what Ted did was way worse.  I've just been seeing people write things that seem to imply Peggy is a blameless victim here, which I disagree with.

No, Peggy doesn't have as much power as the men in her life, but I don't see how she's completely blameless in this whole thing.  She made the choice to have an affair with a married man.  Yes, he said they could be together, but she should have had an idea of what she might be getting into.

I'm still holding out hope for a surprise Zaltzman appearance at some point during John Oliver's run as host of The Daily Show.

::Mike Patton dances awkwardly::
::piano explodes::
::fish flops around::