Death Clown

If you think Bennington is a pretty good vocalist, I'm going to have to go ahead and disagree.

And you forgot how Dan is also extremely perverted!


Unfortunately, I don't have time to listen to all of them.  I listen to every Flop House and listen to WHM on weeks where I do have time.  I listened to a couple episodes of HDTGM and it didn't appeal to me.

They may be slightly more recognizable, but I don't think Thomas Gibson and Joe Mantegna are exactly household names (except to us Simpsons fans, but there's probably not a huge overlap between AV Club Simpsons fans and Criminal Minds viewers).

This Christmas, Rob Schneider is…Aloha Santa!

I find it odd when people say things like "albums are dead" or "who listens to albums anymore?"  Of course, I primarily listen to metal and prog rock, so….

My girlfriend often says "I'd do her" about an attractive woman on TV.  I'm never quite sure how to respond to it.

And all it took for it to become much easier this year is for NBC to somehow become even worse!

I accidentally kicked myself in the balls at work the other day.

That bit never got old for me.

Fuckin' Still Life, man.  The riffs on that album.

Eh, I don't even think that's a particularly good use of the Ethnic Cleansing card.

Eh.  There are good moments but I've found a lot of it to be tedious.

I actually had the same thought.  After the creepy group hug, I was wondered how many people that family has murdered.

The stairs were a nice touch.  Too bad they didn't force-feed him oysters and martinis beforehand.

Theme of the night: Pete Campbell tossing out utterly ineffectual lines while leaving a room after being utterly destroyed.

Of course they are, because every washed-up veteran the Yankees acquire suddenly turns to fucking gold.

I've actually only been watching one a week to keep up with these reviews, but after this episode I think I'm done.  I have no desire to watch the last two.

…you think Belgians taste skunky/pissy?  The hell?