Death Clown

I wouldn't say I prefer CM vocals, but I generally don't care whether I understand what they're saying or not.  I mainly just view the voice as another instrument in the song, and when a band uses those vocals they're going for a particular effect.  I will say that a lot of the bands I listen to that use CM vocals

Hell yes Ratchet & Clank.  I'm a person who usually never finishes video games but I beat each of the first three R&C's multiple times.

I finished The Black Swan by Taleb last month.  I'm working on A Canticle for Leibowitz at the moment.

Collapse Into Now was pretty damn good.

I actually think Disturbed is still semi-relevant.  Certainly a lot more so than the rest of the bands you listed.


I'm basically French Canadian.  How white is that?

The South Park episode "Asspen" is an excellent example of this.  It even has the boobs! (Sort of.)

I think TINLTL may actually be their weakest album.  Very few of the songs there catch me.  "Learn to Fly", "Generator", maybe "MIA", maybe "Next Year", and that's about it.

As much as I hate to admit this knowledge, that Family Guy episode was actually the first episode when they came back from hiatus.

Spending the day together and going to a Japanese place for dinner.  There is also some sort of 'special gift' in the works for me.  I'm not sure whether to be excited or apprehensive.

Well, they ARE bad.  And everyone is stupid in those years.

Three Days Grace.

I don't particularly like Gotye and I kind of like Coldplay, but Gotye is probably just as 'rock' as Coldplay is.

GoDaddy also got pretty severe backlash on the Internet last year for supporting SOPA, IIRC.

Failure was a pretty good band.  I also really like the Year of the Rabbit CD Ken Andrews later released.


Yeah, I'm amazed at people who weren't able to skip ahead on Avatar.  I planned on following along and not skipping ahead, but about halfway through the first season that plan went right out the window and I binged the rest.

I still like calzones.

Is this the first time Woodhouse has actually had to eat the spiderwebs?