Death Clown

RIP Dio.

Pretty much everyone has poor music choices in the past.  I'm not sure that makes up for poor music choices in the present.

I was hoping Archer would come up, but it may not have been much different than some of his other voice work.


Yeah, I liked it better before (POTENTIAL SPOILERS, I GUESS) Chuck got his magic super spy skills.

I've been watching the re-runs on Science Network, which are through the first episode of season 3 at this point.  Both seasons were kind of hard to get through for the first half and then significantly increased in quality in the second half.

What was utterly forgettable were most of the songs on Oracular other than the hits.  Congratulations is a very good album.

I also like Congratulations a lot, but then again I'm a prog fan so that should probably be expected.  I don't think I'm going to like their next album.

I randomly had my girlfriend watch an episode of Better Off Ted once.  The next time we saw each other she had already Netflixed the whole series.

I'm watching for the first time because it's in reruns on Science Network!  In this episode, I appreciated that the bureaucrat from the CDC wasn't evil.  He was prepared to do what had to be done but willing to let Fringe division try their outlandish plan first.

My dream is pretty much the opposite.  I want to do death metal covers of pop songs.

I really hate Aerosmith and it's certainly irrational in the sense that there are a lot of bands shittier than them.  Part of the reason for my irrational level of hatred is that I'm from New England and apparently we're especially supposed to worship Aerosmith.  Or something.

We're calling "Harvester of Sorrow" and "The Shortest Straw" filler now?

The best part of Baseketball is the attempted explanation of how the playoffs work.  I like to find it whether some real sport is introducing some unnecessarily convoluted system.

Competitive MTG is still primarily a boy's club, but there have been strides made.  There was a string of Grand Prix last year where there was often a woman in a top 8.  It's kind of sad that that's worthy of notice, but it is progress.

As someone who has played Magic competitively for close to ten years now, I disagree heavily that the Magic community is an "astonishing gallery of mutants" or that the players should just "weird someone out".

This briefly made me think Jackson was actually nominated even though I hadn't remembered seeing him on the list.

Isn't every modern pop song just choruses surrounded by filler?  I'm pretty sure there's only about 15 seconds of song in "Call Me Maybe".  Then everyone praises the songs for their 'hooks' that are only hooks because the chorus gets beaten into the ground.  I dunno…maybe I just don't get it.

Tiger & Bunny is a fun anime from within the last 5 years, and completely available on Hulu.

Tiger & Bunny is a fun anime from within the last 5 years, and completely available on Hulu.