
You mean like the one where they all became video game characters as part of an immensely complex conspiracy initiated in the 80s, or the ones where a cabal of air conditioner repairmen drove plot devices, or the one where they found a magic trampoline, or the one where they all turned into singing puppets, or the one

I don't say this often (can't remember the last time I did), but you're a complete dumbass. The alternate reality interaction wasn't "all just a dream", what happened is that they closed the door on that particular reality. Jeff "waking" out of it was because they'd resolved it, not because it didn't happen, and he

What if there are specific roles, or types, that are inhabited by different characters at different times?
That would explain why many characters (eg Kate) seem trapped inside of patterns that don't make much rational sense. I got this idea from the fact that Claire seems to now be inhabiting Rousseau's role -

First time poster,
wanted to get this show off the Hiatus list! Just started watching, looks like the inheritor to Arrested Development, minus the narrator. Nice job with the musical cues from "Brazil". How ballsy is it to name a film after a country, btw?