
I think they're all wearing black cause it's winter now and protective gear comes in black. Also gives the whole thing a more sombre, serious vibe cause, you know, it's the beginning of the end and all.

OMG where in the world did this come from?

YAY KTBSPA! So did you like the album in the end?

Wow really mature, congrats.

I really enjoyed this review, especially the "personal history" part. Thank you for sharing the link. It seems to be a review by someone who actually cares about the boys' success.

Come on people, how great was the tattoo guy? And Will wrecking Sue's office? I can overlook everything else just for these two scenes.

well if I'm remembering it right Charlotte found out that Emily told Ashley about Patrick after she had opened up to Emily about her mom having what she thought was a boy toy.

I have the feeling that it will be Kalinda spilling the beans about Alicia before she tells Will about it herself and that's why he was so furious with her in the preview.

Exactly my thought! The moment they said Savannah my reaction was "Who?!"

Come oooon where's the new review? I'm dying here!

Yeah I expected Peaches to understand what she was saying, too and thought that she asked them to the ladies' room to tell her off or something.
Also, I want Peggy and Ted to get together as well, and I don't care if anyone's repulsed by that. I think Ted's quite charming despite his scheming.

Just an incredible episode that will surely be among the top ten favourite episodes (at least for me).

Actually Don asked him how old he would be when Bobby's 40 and Bobby replies "You'll be dead." I think it was meant to show us that death didn't really mean anything to him before whereas now he's actually thinking and worrying about it.

as far as I remember santana took rachel to see a doctor and it turned out that it was a false alarm after all.

The moment Mr Schue said "stadium" I knew they were eventually gonna sing We Will Rock You.

Btw, how stupid is Anna going out with Adam? They made us like her over the past weeks and now they expect us to think she's stupid enough to be charmed by Adam? *eyeroll*

Really, was I the only one expecting something to happen between Kyle and Tom? Why else would the writers make him attend that rehearsal (or whatever it was) last week as Julia's "guest"?


Yeah I didn't get it either.

Yeah, I should've stopped watching this long ago as well. I just don't know why I keep on putting up with it. I guess I just like to hate watch it.
God, I just googled "hate watching" and smash was the top search result!