This is absolutely crushing, his episodes of CBB were always some of my favorites and I can't count the number of times he made me laugh out loud.
If you stick to mostly using spears and bows, I would say that'll take care of most of the problems with combat. Axes and clubs do feel really floaty, but stabby weapons are very satisfying.
Shadows is phenomenal, watch it as soon as you can. Easily one of the best movies I've seen in a long time.
Maybe life's greatest question will finally be answered
There's dozens of us!
Fuck Detroit, come to Grand Rapids.
Well since you won't get a chance to watch it on your videoboxes you should all at least start reading THE SIXTH GUN because it's rad as hell.
Ughhhh, terrible news. I was hoping they would cancel Nathan For You and we'd get a full season of THE HUNK.
For anyone who didn't know (like me): Kindt has a book called RED HANDED coming out on May 7, sounds like another badass spy story.
I'm not hearing any downside!
This might be my least favorite song too. When I worked at Barnes & Noble it was on their holiday playlist and fuuuuuuuuuuuck are those some stupid lyrics. Hey Christina, you know the best way to show someone you're over them?? ANYTHING BUT WRITING A WHOLE FUCKING SONG ABOUT THEM.
I paid 3 and got my roommate to do the same. Fantastic start. That first image is my wallpaper now for the next forever.
Fair enough. But that happens so rarely, it's a much safer bet to pick up interesting, creator-owned comics that haven't cycled through multiple authors and gimmicky iterations over decades.
If you're reading mainstream Marvel/DC and expecting anything other than a stupidly over-hyped crossover event or lame, soon-to-return-to-status-quo story arc…
I read the same Atwood books this year! Fantastic. But I don't think there's a solid timeline for the next book yet. She's serializing something over at Byliner right now.
I read the same Atwood books this year! Fantastic. But I don't think there's a solid timeline for the next book yet. She's serializing something over at Byliner right now.
That sounds excruciating!
That sounds excruciating!