
My pop-culture resolutions for 2016 (in no particular order):

I happened to like most of the episodes in this particular season (except for "Clown in the Dumps"), particularly "Super Franchise Me", "Simpsorama" and "I Won't Be Home for Christmas", but I did not like this episode too much. For starters, Kang and Kodos are used to better effect in the Treehouse of Horror eppies.

This was a quite good Simpsons holiday eppie all in all. I agree that the "Homer ticks off Marge, but they make up at the end" formula has been more or less run into the ground, but since this was a Christmas eppie I'll let that slide. I thought Moe was hilarious in this episode, as well as the interaction between

Well, I really liked the crossover. It was definitely better than the Family Guy crossover and there were some pretty good lines. So far, I've liked every Simpsons eppie this season except for the first eppie, "Clown in the Dumps". It might not be as good a season as in the classic era (i.e. Seasons 1 through 10),

I loved this episode! Though I have been disappointed more than a few times with latter-day (i.e. post-movie) Simpsons, this episode proves that with the right material they can still come up with a great episode!

I actually liked this episode! It's certainly one of the better eppies of the past two seasons. And I thought that "Alien boyfriend" character was pretty funny. I am hoping, though, that after this season (or next) the writers decided to wrap up the Simpsons and have the gumption to wrap it up with some kind of

That tribute was very well done! Although I was quite surprised to see Flanders and Krappel becoming a couple, this was a beautiful tribute to Marcia Wallace. Though I agree that The Simpsons is not was consistently good now as it was during the classic era (i.e. from Season One until The Simpsons Movie), this clip

I still watch this show (usually on CN's Adult Swim) and although it is still pretty funny on occasion, especially the ones where Brian and Stewie are off somewhere (I really liked the one where Brian and Stewie go to Vegas), I have long agreed that the way the show treats Meg is atrocious! She is not really a bad

I am glad that the Simpson's writers decided to retire "Mrs. K." after Marcia Wallace's demise, but I am hoping that a later eppie will show her passing and how the people of Springfield react to it. Two people especially, Bart Simpson (her student and frenemy) and Ned Flanders (talk about the odd couple). RIP Marcia.

I still like Family Guy if it's a Stewie and Brian episode, but episodes that concentrate on Peter I can take or leave. But it really frosts me at how Meg is treated on the show! She's one of my favorite characters on the show, and I would love to see an eppie when she isn't the subject of derision or abuse.

I saw that eppie of The Simpsons on Sunday, and I thought it was the best eppie in a while. I'm not familiar with Homeland (largely because I don't subscribe to Showtime), but I know enough about it to get the joke.

I remember reading the comic ages ago, but I wasn't aware they actually animated it.  I'd have to look that up on YouTube.

I remember when 9/11 hit, the Onion's headline was "Nation yearns to care about stupid bullshit again" it seems that the Onion seems at times like this to hit the nerve more that the mainstream media does.  Just as with 9/11, people will have no explanation for this, and will have to take look at ourselves.  Just as

I remember when 9/11 hit, the Onion's headline was "Nation yearns to care about stupid bullshit again" it seems that the Onion seems at times like this to hit the nerve more that the mainstream media does.  Just as with 9/11, people will have no explanation for this, and will have to take look at ourselves.  Just as

My favorite scenes (in no particular order):

My favorite scenes (in no particular order):

I remember this episode, that was both thrilling and funny.  And it also shows that Batman has a sense of humor (who knew?).  Also, this was the funny (albeit dangerous) Harley Quinn we prefer to see, not the gothic fruitcake she was turned into in the "new 52" DC universe.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

I remember this episode, that was both thrilling and funny.  And it also shows that Batman has a sense of humor (who knew?).  Also, this was the funny (albeit dangerous) Harley Quinn we prefer to see, not the gothic fruitcake she was turned into in the "new 52" DC universe.  If it ain't broke, don't fix it!

Your adding of Lucy Van Pelt made me think of a Peanuts strip from the '60s when Franklin (the black kid) sees Lucy in her psychatric booth.

My all-time favorite Xmas albums are: