
I've always loved his work, and am happy to see he seems like a genuinely good guy with a great attitude toward the acting business. I'm always thrilled when he pops up unexpectedly in something I'm watching.

I've always loved his work, and am happy to see he seems like a genuinely good guy with a great attitude toward the acting business. I'm always thrilled when he pops up unexpectedly in something I'm watching.

No, yes, yes, no, no.

No, yes, yes, no, no.

Kick, snare, repeat ad infinitum.

No Futura.

Agreed on "Secret," particularly the last one with David Aja on art. Excellent examples of "bottle" story-telling. Can't speak as highly of the John Cassaday covers, however…

Glad someone else thinks so. Williams is brilliant.

Why is every other Marvel title written by Jason Aaron, Ed Brubaker, or Jonathan Hickman? They are all extremely talented guys, but I can't help but think Marvel is spreading them a bit too thin.

I've never seen them in the same room…

So what's on everyone's pull lists after the first couple months of the DC relaunch?

Snyder's "Black Mirror" Detective run comes out in trade in November. Can't wait, as I missed the floppies entirely.

All the Batman titles came out strong? The Dark Knight was the most laughable book of the entire New 52. Detective is sub-par. Catwoman is terrible. I think the ONLY Batman title that came out strong is Snyder's.

iMac? I use a Linux.

Christopher Nolan wrote Inception by himself. Fix it.

Thought that was called Tosh.0

Rules 1 and 2, Genevieve. Rules 1 and 2.

No way.

Great songs: The Suburbs, Modern Man, Rococo, Suburban War, Month of May, Deep Blue, Sprawl 1 & 2

Ever hear of DVR?