Christmas Miracle

I feel like I'm the only one
who is rooting for either Peregrine or Jaclyn to win. The way I see it, Peregrine consistently produces interesting, aesthetically pleasing works. However, they are kinda small and quiet, so they go unnoticed. Also, she was like the nicest one in this episode and I want to be her friend.

Well, that all depends on how you define "significant." The thing is, what statistics are given about "overweight" and "obese" individual, they are using agreed-upon BMI standards that have no clear health indication. Just look at this one study, whose results are echoed in many others:

Are you referring to consumerfreedom? Or Kate Harding's site? Because that consumerfreedom site looks pretty sketch, in my short browsing of it.

As much as I usually like the comments section here
You all, as well as the writers, seem remarkably uneducated about the Fat Acceptance movement. But then again, so is most of America. I would just like to direct you over to this blog post:
Which features multiple links to peer-reviewed