Tee Vee Viewer

it's Road House, not Roadhouse.

Dark Night of the Soul
Sure, it may have been leaked last year, but the Danger Mouse/Sparklehorse collaboration only got an "official" release this past summer. Even if every track isn't brilliant (the Frank Black track comes to mind), the album is successful on the whole. If nothing else, I thought it'd get a few

Man with the Movie Camera
or The Man With a Movie Camera, whatever.

Oops, multiple repetitive posts about cheap toy promotions from twenty years ago! Oh, I've wasted my life…

Happy Meal
I've been trying to post about the Happy Meal, but it's not sticking for some reason. I had multiple Luigi toys - it was the only one I was ever able to get, and I'm still frustrated. The Luigi toy sucked, just a molded plastic Luigi stuck on a cloud with wind-up wheels.

The Luigi Happy Meal toy was an immobile Luigi stuck on a molded-plastic cloud with wind-up wheels. It was the only one of the toys I could ever get, and I'm still bitter about it.

It reminds me of the DC Comics' "Zero Hour" series from the early 90s. Each DC title ended with at least a few pages of white to suggest the absence of a timeline. Also, the X-Men "Age of Apocalypse" storyline began with the regular titles ending with everyone crystalized and then shattering. I'm feeling like a

I'm not sure why I wrote "holds up" and "holding up." That seems pretty dumb. Oh well.

Matthew Sweet
Although only mentioned in passing, the "Get Older" reference was a nice touch. "100% Fun" holds up pretty well, I think. Or perhaps it's just the nostalgic associations that I have with the album. Anyway, I wonder how Matthew Sweet's holding up these days…