that seems logical considering that Fiona and Steve are still on the show…and the US version seems to have brought in a lot of story lines much earlier than the UK version, perhaps to get them out of the way to avoid being "based on"
that seems logical considering that Fiona and Steve are still on the show…and the US version seems to have brought in a lot of story lines much earlier than the UK version, perhaps to get them out of the way to avoid being "based on"
i couldn't agree more, i was excited for this episode but it turned out, as you said, lifeless. Thinking about Tyler's entire arc, what has he really contributed or done to indelibly affect or impact the plot or inividual characters? nothing, it seems. Nor does he really impede or propel Emily's revenge plot in any…
not to be oppositional, but IMO this show is good, but doesn't even come close to breaking bad
i just watched this episode (finally)….wow, a B- was GEN-E-ROUS. When the cartel was revealed as CIA i couldnt help but roll my eyes and then you have Clay, who happens to be able to breath on his own just as Jax is in the room alone with him…what the?? and THEN the whole scene at the end with's "Jax's dramatic…
and she was kind of the one pushing for it…. with her little brother!……remembering that and last night's scene fresh in my mind is bringing up bile (bleccchhh)
very true….she was asking them like she already knew the answer, and them telling her that they did love her was so obviously a LIE…i am sorry but Jax came off about as convinving as a casey anthony defense lawyer
Can someone explain to me the whole scene with Tara saying to Gemma "Tell me you love me" in exactly the same tone and mood she said it to Jax a few scenes before. It creeped me out, made me think psychosis was setting in or something —— until I saw the last scene.
i am sorry to go back and forth about this, but I think it's important to clear up misconceptions about children - which lead many people to mistreat them (not that you do, just in general).
well it's not, and a parent, ideally, should not treat it that way. But none of us are perfect, we all make mistakes, and her reaction is understandable. Just gives a little insight as to the origin of the general repressive ethos of the ensuing decades.
unless you are trying to be funny — that is absolutely not true, coming from a child psych background. Children are still in the throes of moral development and much of their behavior (and reactions) are socially learned so unless some sort of psychosis or psychopathology is involved (which is statistically rare),…
i have to agree….children rarely do innately cruel things, and his action here is not a result of cruelty, despite his mother's misinterpretation of his motive, but rather his attempt to work though his fear and lack of security in a healthy manner…children usually try a few coping mechanisms before pathology ensues,…
ok i see what you and arsenio are saying - but that scene was very reminiscent of the way Michael Corleone kisses Fredo, grabbing his face and all, right before he is about to have him killed —— so I saw her warning Clay as her sending him right into Opie's line of fire, she knowing that is straight where he would go…
i am glad you said this bc I read interviews where either Katey Sagal or Sutter (or maybe both?) indicated that when they did their research for the show, there really were not women involoved or part of these kinds of clubs, at least not in any kind of legitimate , participatory way - but that "there was room for a…
it seemed like Gemma was giving Clay "the kiss of death," almost like saying her last goodbye because she expects he will die
where is it going to go without him?? i am NOT watching a show about Jax and Tara
I think the Hamlet comparison is quite apt - and seems to be Sutter's intentional premise (the parallels are plentiful and overt)….even in interviews Katey Sagal herself has likened Gemma to Gertrude.
I disagree with the review about the way Gemma's beating has been handled, but still find flaws in its portrayal…anyone who's been near or around male dominated groups/gangs/clubs who organize around crime and/or violence will see that there really is no regard for the women associated with such men. A woman is…
i agree, he is one of the most uneven, poorly developed, waste of potential characters on TV….i can't even imagine what they were thinking who he was going to be, and i dread to think what they plan for him….do you think the writers know they f'd up??
ooohhhh i remember that show - like a legal charlie's angels of sorts, i think that girl from grey's anatomy was on it too, chyler leigh or something like that….. that show was sooooo BAD - but i was around 21, so at least my memories from then were really good:)
i definitely read it as a double entendre - Son=son