
… mournful tits…?

I really hope they get to season 4/5. I really want to see that.

I'm going to have to see where they go with some of these changes, but I really liked Mel's last line.

All Hail Dinklage!!

*** SPOILERS ***
I hope that they can do something with the House of the Undying. If they skip it entirely everyone will be furious. If they do right it'll cost as much as the Blackwater. Maybe just a bit of the endless doors and the main heart chamber with no imagery to go with the prophecy. Maybe she can tell Jorah

6000 and a movie!!!!!oneone!!

Chalky is amazing.

Shit. There goes my Richard and Angela have an affair theory.

And he even managed to stay gentlemanly!

I was really hoping he'd just kill himself.

I have to admit I've accidentally incorporated "half a hundred" and "much and more"

I'm glad I somehow knew not to watch this until tonight…

The 6th! Glitch in the matrix!!!

Is it just me or has Adam become completely unlikable?
I mean, he was a dick in season 1, but wow… I felt like he'd improve this season after the storage room reveal last season. He seemed to finally get it, but he's only gotten worse. A terminally ill parent is very difficult thing to go through, and teenagers are

mirror-mirror Santa. There is a skinny mustache under there somewhere.

I think his James Mason-ish Tyrion voice is responsible for Dinklage's accent in the show.


i know no one is still reading this thread…
but in case anyone is, I just gave in and started reading the books. (nothing against Martin - I put it off because after Wheel of Time I promised myself I'd never read another un-finished fantasy series)
In any case - I am head over heels in love and I need someone to talk

Blow me.
I was certain he would divorce her tonight, not the other way around. My cable box spoiled the affair though. It said he had a "confession" to make. Considering the conversation with Eddie last week it could only be one thing.