virulent antibody

Similarly, but less creepily, I thought the headline was 'Scarlett Johansson found the meaning in having late periods'.

John Cho, because why not…

One of the best internet comments I read after the first trailer came out was something like 'this is a great CoverGirl commercial'.

Biohazard is the original Japanese name for RE, so is this going to be called 'Biohazard 7: Biohazard' in Japan?

Well, I guess it's my fault for not clarifying. You started the message with 'People are seeing it in context-'. I was referring to those people, who are not necessarily victims themselves. I was not talking about those you referred to later in the message: '…a society where it actually happens to real people with

I was more curious about why the green one, Dipsy, has a big dildo on his head.

when did i say victims of DV is 'in minority'? I was referring to those oversensitive types who complain about everything.

This is not my billboard and I don't give a fuck if it stays up, but I don't like how society in general thinks that something like this is a big controversy just because a few vocal people or 3rd rate celebrity who wants attention made noises on the internet. And I agree with another poster's comment that making a

Those people are in minority, and the world doesn't revolve around them.

You saw this context before people like Rosie McGowan made some noise about it? You know what millions of other people see? Apocalypse overpowering Mystique, a movie bad guy dominating over a movie hero. It's that simple.

This should've been the one porn parody where Trump doesn't get to fuck anybody but himself.

Like in Old Boy? (except 'torture' is replaced with 'hump')

Lighten the mood? You want the kids watching the movie to think wars are all about fun and adventure? Fuck you Disney.

Mary Poppin' her cherry: 50 shades of pink. Guest starring Dick van Dyck

I wouldn't mind trying some MIT Sake.

In defense of the green poop question, last Halloween Burger King had some special burger with black buns that turned people's poop green, so the question might've been legit.

does it count as sexual harassment if i grab those metal boobs?

I hope this article is written in sarcasm, like many of the internet's comments on this video were meant to be. No, the internet didn't lose its mind over this.

If I find Vanilla Ice in the bedroom, would he be squatting or does he come with the room? I'd rather have an April O'Neil instead though.

They should have Goldmember do a cameo.