dame k

You read the book too! High five!

Sir, here's a check, just write in the amount you'll need.

I have gotten a lot of people into Western comics by handing them Sandman. I disagree with the choice for an introduction to Batman being Year 100. Actually, what really got me into Batman was Batman: The Animated Series, but if I have to use comics…probably The Long Halloween. Also, I'm in love with "genre" comics

I was totally just thinking of that. I actually always kind of tear up when Sherlock says, "I know."

I was rereading the complete Sherlock Holmes this past weekend and thinking that no adaptation ever lives up to the original for me. I feel pretty burned out on adaptations of it right now anyways. Pick on a different classic detective for awhile guys. Any Flaxman Low would be a good movie.

"You have to give me more time! Next season is past stuff and like four episodes of clip shows, please?" - George R. R. Martin

Every time I hear more about the show I feel more vindicated in my decision to stop watching after six episodes. And I have a pretty high level of tolerance for fairytale nonsense…I own The 10th Kingdom on DVD.

I think The Princess and the Frog had flaws but it still has one of the best Disney villain songs…it's actually the only song I remember from that movie.

Anne Brontë should have tried her hand at Wuthering Heights. That book is a mess.

When I met Del Toro at an event he said that Ron Perlman was the nicest person he knew. That's all I could think of while reading this article. So he's enthusiastic about Hellboy? What exactly was the problem there?

If Michael Bay was the one remaking Alphaville, I would do to him what the Boxcar Children undoubtedly did to their own parents.

Reading the comments thread of this article was an insane game of chicken for me, where one of my new bosses was sitting near me and kept glancing up suspiciously if my mouth twitched at all. I realized I could have stopped reading these comments…but nobody calls me chicken.

I wish I could be more worked up about this but all my anger is still being used for the remakes of Strangers on a Train and Alphaville.

Because kids never swear except for all the time when there are no authority figures around.

You're welcome!

I was actually politely asked not to participate…I guess I read too many books and took too many of the allotted certificates.

Did you read Mail Order Mysteries: Real Stuff from Old Comic Book Ads where the guy actually tracked the stuff down that you would get from those ads? It was really interesting.

If only the plot of Boxcar Children had been the Midwich Cuckoos taking the train all over to battle Triffids, I might have read more of them and bonus, developed my John Wyndham obsession earlier in life.

Don't Go Home With John has one of the most hilarious Sweet Valley covers. The rapey guy is just so not committed to the moment.

Donnie K.O.