dame k

I read and fell in love with Nero Wolfe at about that age. Girls of all ages can't resist Archie Goodwin. It's a fact.

I loved the book fairs and the book orders. We didn't have a lot of money but every once and awhile my mother would buy me something or give me a little money for the book fair. That really brings me back.

I read only one of these in the second grade and it just didn't jive with me. I suppose I only liked my neglected children stories to feature ghosts (Mary Downing Hahn), trips to Narnia, or defeating the Tripods.

Hey, you guys have Brandon Sanderson and that's nothing to sneeze at.

I really hate this song so all I can say is…really, people? REALLY? It's not even a good garbage song like "Surfing Bird".

David Hyde Pearce was so fantastic in Frasier. I remember being upset when Niles and Daphne got together because I loved all of his pining shenanigans. But him and Kelsey Grammer played off of each other so well.

Okay, now we need an Are You Afraid of the Dark? movie. How is Netflix not streaming that?

I miss Fear Street so much. I bet they are not nearly as great as I'm nostalgia-thinking right now.

It is my favorite episode of that show. I made my Friends hating significant other watch it and even he had to admit it's pretty well done.

I'm listening to Agent to the Stars right now and Wil Wheaton is so good! I've had a crush on him since I was about seven, watching NG reruns. (I just found out that he started to appear on the show in the year I was born which blew my mind because I thought I was only a few years younger than him.) So I get very

I misread the title of the article as Lost and Archer: Vice. I feel like that combination would have been more interesting.

My significant other finally convinced my stupidly stubborn self to watch DS9 and I've fallen head over heels for it, so my only thoughts for what I want is…DS9.

Wow, I totally didn't even think of the Margo plotline. That's going to be a whole season. And then she can keep returning!

I kind of enjoy these useless speculation articles. It reminds me of a few years back, furiously blogging and looking for constant updates on new Harry Potter books. Oh, those were the days.

Yes, the books were so insane that if they stay true to the source material, I will unabashedly watch every episode. Even more hilarious would be if they did Sweet Valley University, where one of the ongoing plots was that a guy was stalking Elizabeth Wakefield, but he disguised himself by following her everywhere in

Oh god, them remaking Detour would be divine. You're just going to have to imagine my eyes-rolling-into-the-back-of-my-head ecstasy at the mere suggestion.

Yeah, I can't really take this whole "oh no, a bunch of kids saw a non-kids movie" thing seriously. I mean, who among us didn't somehow sneak into the living room to see a movie we really shouldn't have or stay up late to see a horror movie on TV, long after our parents had gone to bed? Yeah, we might have had

If I were a parent I would be more upset that they showed them such a terrible horror movie than anything else. "Don't worry, when we get home, I'm going to show you 1963's The Haunting." I wouldn't want them influencing my child into thinking that horror is a terrible genre with nothing to offer the world.

1946's The Killers. I love it to death and god knows no one can fill a sweater quite like Ava Gardner, but I would be interested to see the story in the hands of the Coens. The opening scene at the diner always makes me think of their movies.

I'm mad because I clicked on the link only to see this wasn't about Kolchak.