dame k

That is literally the first thing I thought when I read the title of this article.

I still haven't seen an episode of this show but I feel like reading an article like this and the comments below aren't spoilers…they are more like delicious seasoning for when I eventually do watch it.

I think I'm falling for Dr. Katz.

Psmith is the most perfect man. I fall in love all over again every time I read Leave it to Psmith. He speaks so eloquently, he's so mischievous, and yet so utterly sweet. Whoops, I'm falling in love again.

The last thing I was thinking I'd see in this thread was a reference to the fine work produced by Strugatsky and Strugatsky

I wish they had made Amber Spyglass into a movie. I would pay good money to see Nicole Kidman and James Bond kill Metatron with their bare hands.

I hope my absolute favorite part of He-Man will make it into the movie: The fact that Skeletor's henchmen are always plotting against him, basically just waiting until he's just out of earshot to start talking about how they are going to stab him in the back. And yet, Skeletor still remains top dog because although

I suddenly remembered my Charlemagne.

I really hated Hatchet as a child and I remember cheering for that moose. Those are literally the only two things I remember: I hate this character and huzzah for the murderous moose.

I'm planning on seeing this but I probably won't even go opening weekend. It will probably be a Tuesday night a week or so after the movie has been released. Has anyone ever compared those sales numbers?

Misery Loves Hudson Hawke

This whole thread threatened the delicate illusion that I'm doing something legitimate at work as opposed to reading AV Club comments.

I would just assume if someone brought me to the Batman-themed room in a love hotel that I should probably leave before it gets real in there.

It will really work if the reanimated old guy had a terrible relationship with his extremely self-centered father.

I want it. Have it on my desk in the morning.

I'm not sure that there's a great movie in The Stars My Destination, just because of how weird it is, but hey, maybe someone amazing will write a screenplay and someone even more awesome will direct. If we're into making awesome early cyberpunk works into movies, I think Vinge's True Names has a lot of great potential.

I just assumed it was going to be on the list. I can't even just watch the first part of the episode because I know what's lurking at the end.

I think if you want to do a show in the Batman universe, pre-Batman, why not one about one back when Alfred was in the service of the British government? I always loved "The Lion and the Unicorn" episode of Batman: The Animated series.

The Kuro Burger cannot be disassembled!

I had a couple instances of this but generally my family spends so much time together (arguably too much) so our tastes are incredibly similar. However, when I was five, I was obsessed with the Brady Bunch and my mom endured it despite hating the show. Now I find the show incredibly annoying and can't understand why