dame k

Are your wizards making too much noise?

The star of Pacific Rim…Charlie Day as King Arthur?

I might start watching Doctor Who again…but I don't know, I kind of quit in the middle of Season 4. I remember watching old reruns as a child and the new series just never really did it for me. Perhaps my childhood crush on Tom Baker was too strong.

I'd never heard of Brimstone but now that I've investigated the Wikipedia article, is there anywhere I can watch it streaming? They mentioned random marathons on SyFy but I don't have cable and I'm still annoyed at that channel's name change.

I'm finally reading Lindqvist's Little Star (I love his work!) and next will be an Arsene Lupin novel. I'm not what else but being that I chain-read, I'm sure that won't be it for the month of August.