
Todd's band of neo nazis are going to force Walt (or try to) back into cooking meth, Lydia needs that higher purity for the Czech Republic.

It was hard enough to accept he killed Mike. If and when he kills Jesse I'm probably going to hide in my bedroom for a week. I don't know how I'll feel about Walt if this happens, but I'll be rooting for him when he has that giant machine gun in hand.

a bigger breakfast.

Hank's recklessness with his work adds more depth to his character. As for Homeland, that's just bad writing.

Eh, I jumped on the computer shortly after and watched the preview on the amc website.

I don't know, Year One came out in the past decade too. I literally left the movie theater so I could get to work earlier. Ugh.

I would have watched an entire episode of Hank silently mulling over his discovery on the toilet, no doubt.

I have a feeling the ricin is for Lydia, assuming of course she's still alive by that point. Hey, it sort of resembles Stevia!

I was expecting the confrontation to happen in the 2nd episode at the very earliest. I'm glad I was wrong, I was hopping around the couch like a fucking child.

Nah, Walt's going to need him in some fashion to help thwart Hank. The remaining seven will find plenty of use for the Jesse!

Oh so stinky!


I once ate a pot brownie and watched this. One of the single most intensely beautiful experiences of my life.

"A check for two million dollars! Christophe Nolan, the cheap prick!"

The tumbleweed scene easily was my favorite of the first episode. I almost choked on my dinner while watching it.

"Alright, first order of business… Trix or Fruit Loops?"

Cuaron stole my idea damn it!

I'm a sucker for stylized crime films/violent revenge films and I could give a hoot about the negative press I've heard so far about it. The review over at twitch was far more positive, and frankly I'd trust a recommendation for a film of this type by those guys than some of the snootie batooties that write for this

Maybe the intro to the show isn't a metaphor at all, perhaps the final season will end with Don hurling himself out of a skyscraper window into a giant martini glass?