
I feel like I'm the only one who enjoyed those "Hey it's the 60s!" moments from season one. Sure, the show is better without it but it was hardly a deterrence from quality for me.

I do! I'd rather watch a show about his day-to-day adventures as a fugitive than what we're seeing now, I would call it "The Fugitive."

I thought her head ended up in a box or something?

This season is already excellent without Andrea bogging everything down.


I've never seen this show, and probably never will. But I could appreciated a well-placed fart joke in something good.

Am I the only one who's actually excited to watch this?

He always seemed to reference older movies and tv shows. Like when Todd was telling the story of the train heist to him and Kenny, he compared Todd jumping off the train to Burt Reynolds jumping out of a helicopter in "Hooper." I feel like there's a couple others that I'm not remembering now?

I'm going to miss Uncle Jack. His outdated pop culture references and all. Some have criticized his character as being one dimensional or not fully fleshed out, but I disagree. I thought Michael Bowen did great with what he had, his mannerisms and delivery were perfect.

Whoever said that clearly is either bitter because they didn't get the ending they wanted or has no freaking clue about what they're talking about.

That exchange of nods at the end, wow. I barely have words right now, I'm going to go crawl into my crawl space now.

I really hope the last shot of Jesse in the show is him arriving or already settled in Alaska.

They also know drama. It is the Superstation after all!

I'm going to watch it by myself because I don't want my friends or family to see me crying. But! Pizza will be involved, some alcohol, and one cigarette. I don't smoke, but it feels appropriate.

Was it me! Oh…

The image of Jesse's decaying corpse in that dungeon is so fucking haunting. I really, really he dies with a little more dignity. Or lives! Jesse is going to survive, right? :(

Ugh. I don't know if I could handle that.

The first choice is more likely. I doubt Jesse will never be found again if left in that dungeon. There will be mountains of cops swarming that property after all the initial gun battle.

If you step outside this upcoming Sunday night after 10pm and hear a vast
assortment of awkward sad howls filling the streets… don't worry, it's
just the collective sounds of grown men crying.

My roommate doesn't care for ice cream. But he does has some sick fascination with ketchup.