Aunt May, on the other hand, would DEFINITELY be into it. Not with Spidey, you know, that would be gross. But I would be interested, if anyone is asking.
Aunt May, on the other hand, would DEFINITELY be into it. Not with Spidey, you know, that would be gross. But I would be interested, if anyone is asking.
My mom is a total pain in the ass. However I think most other women are awesome and I generally enjoy spending time with them. So I suppose by the transitive property, Freud is correct.
I don't think anyone outed themselves. This is instead part of a series of "surprises" planned centrally to appear as "spontaneous", and then for subsequent responses by the federal government to reference the 150th anniversary celebrations (Canada founded 1867).
Are you kidding? The Chainsmokers are amazing! Consider the lyrics to "Something Just Like This": in "books of old" Superman "unrolls/ A suit before he lifts" but, the singer laments, he is "not the kind of person that it fits". There is so much here to unpack, I can barely begin.
My advice: you should ask these young people politely but firmly to get off your lawn.
The appropriate way to light a truly fine cigar is for one to rub one's butt cheeks together until the friction creates a heat sufficient for ignition.
This is far and away the best interview I have ever read on this website. TJ Miller is my hero and his wife appears to be a wonderful person and Marah is very brave and whatever he's on should probably be kept well away from children.
I think AV Club is less a bastion of contrarians than a bastion of smart asses. It is far more likely that a pun thread will spontaneously generate than a political commentary thread.
Did that also have unexpected nudity? Weird. Must have missed that part.
This is my favourite AV Club article in ages.
The Vice I know are all grad school drop outs with dumb opinions that they punctuate with unnecessary swearing.
I will admit to liking Millennials boobs. But that is likely more of an age effect than a generational effect. I recall that when Xers were in their 20s and 30s they also had very nice boobs.
As an Xer, our hate for every generation is our defining characteristic. It is consuming and energizing and one day the seething cleansing fire of our rage will sweep across this land.
to be fair, the teens think that assfucking is chill af
My original, pre-disqus, pre-mandatory user name, pre-length restriction name is "The sentient and autonomous giant penis of Shaquille O'Neal". I would never actually rename myself.
Um, Captain Planet did not invent the planet earth. Though he did protect it. I guess that's what this means. Sick burn I guess.
TL;DR but I am actively considering changing my name to "Nacho". I don't mean my username but my actual name.
I feel bad for teasing. Your "eye teeth" are otherwise known as your canines, and are called that because they are generally directly under your eyes. Ferlin Husky was making some kind of joke about how RDJr doesn't have eye teeth and they must be CGIed in at exorbitant cost.
Do you have old man balls yet? It'll happen (if you're a dude). Your balls will start hanging lower and lower. Then you will have two (or three I guess) things to make you feel old.
Yeah, that breast feeding woman's boob is totally fucked up. I mean, I appreciate that women's breasts change at this time of their life but seriously emoji people have some goddamn respect.