The sentient autonomous penis

The Hero has a good point. Should be: "Life is like a bag of pre and post op transsexuals.You never know what you're gonna get".

I always get these and other women mixed up. If only there was some kind of binder to which I could refer.

I always get these and other women mixed up. If only there was some kind of binder to which I could refer.

I also cut that sentence thinking to paste and then laud it. Definitely one of the best sentences in a review I've ready in a while. TVDW, take note!

I also cut that sentence thinking to paste and then laud it. Definitely one of the best sentences in a review I've ready in a while. TVDW, take note!

Unassailable logic. In fact, this is how I get to sleep at night:

Unassailable logic. In fact, this is how I get to sleep at night:

If anyone ever wonders why you are The Most Popular Commenter, the answer is right here.

If anyone ever wonders why you are The Most Popular Commenter, the answer is right here.

Why not just scratch this hyperlink into the side of his Jeep with your keys:

Why not just scratch this hyperlink into the side of his Jeep with your keys:

Mission Accomplished!

Mission Accomplished!

Warrior was much funnier.

Warrior was much funnier.

A wizard did it.

A wizard did it.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus, if Maurice Sendak wasn't dead, I'd have guessed that you were outing yourself as Maurice Sendak.

@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus, if Maurice Sendak wasn't dead, I'd have guessed that you were outing yourself as Maurice Sendak.

What a smug inert comment. I would like to purchase the movie rights.