Liam Tiberius Smith

I think it was Don's ultimate vote of confidence. Don needs Pete and his business acumen and Don knows it.

Miller— I totally agree with you. I usually enjoy anything by Morrison and he is a far better authot than Millar. That doesn't change the fact that Morrison steamrolls through quite a bit without sympathy for his audience. If he has a subpar artist (I'm looking at you Tony Daniels and the Russian dude on New

It seems to me that there are 2 Mark Millars: When he has time and puts himself into his work, we get brilliant comic art, i.e. the excellent "Ultimates I and II." When he is lazy or rushed, we get garbage like "Old Man Logan" and "Civil War."

@the Bourne Valedictorian: I like Maderia's art (Ultimates 3) and found it to be the onbly redeeming aspect of that garbage. That, however, is no defense of terrible writing.

I cannot agree more. Jeph Loeb used to be a competent (and nothing more) comic story teller. Right up until Joe Quesada, marketing machine, decided that Loeb was a superstar/comic god. Since then, Loeb has been nothing short of aweful. Ultimates 3 was one of the worst examples of salacious, self indulgent garbage

Since no one seems to care…
Clearly the mother of David Shephard is Nikki. Which begs the question: In the alternate universe, where is Paulo and who is he banging?

Rowan: If you already haven't, check out Planetary. A beautiful exploration of the themes and tropes of sci-fi and comics. It may take the "ultimatum" aftertaste away…

I don't have a lot of time to comment and I skipped alot of this feed back, so sorry if I repeat other's points. I wonder if the rise of Barabossa in modern times, and his driving of human civilization into chaos, was not a direct result of Auberon's "powers," which are never explicitly explained. Auberon is Oberon,

Nollvane: The Master Menace moment was one of my favorites as well. A real nice twist.

Let's not forget to contextualize Gruenwald's Squadron; this is the 80's we're talking about.

I enjoyed both incarnations of Squadron Supreme, right up until Chaykin took over. It quickly went to Hell…