
I don't trust Abe. Peggy's mother is right about him.

Yeh, it was pretty dull for a season finale. I was expecting something a lot more dramatic and cliff-hangerish

I'm kind of seeing Vikings and Sons of Anarchy as prequels to all those redneck reality shows. The family bonds, the clannishness, the hardheadedness, hard work, the grit

I'd like to think that the History Channel would handle a convo about christianity in not-sickening way, if you know what i mean, but I might be naive. They could show how someone compares his relationship to Odin and the gods to a belief system where the individual is valued by God on an intrinsic

No, Thyri didn't have much point

i think it'd be fascinating if someone became a christian, or it there was at least a religious discussion about Odin vs Jesus and how people perceive spirituality.

aw come on, Gyda was so cute! She showed another side of Viking culture, the mother teaching homemaking skills to the daughter, etc.

That makes sense. In a way, Bjorn is the strongest character on the show. I'm scared of that little boy!!

she looked like a Viking Meghan. Lots of teeth.

So the Crow of Odin flying into Bjorn's window while Ragnar is cutting and then smearing blood on the walls on his way down the hall .. am i the only one who thought that Ragnar was about to sacrifice his son??