El Pinche Tiburon Azul

Detras de ti, imbecil!

Yeah, I'd be a lot more bothered if ads were read with a sincere enthusiasm for the product.

Please appear on the comments for every Batman episode from now on.

I sincerely hope AV Club starts deleting firsties. I know everyone's always like "just collapse the replies and move on", but people ALWAYS start a cool conversation in the first comment thread no matter how asinine it is.

That sand bird was the hardest thing ever. I still think it's fucked up to assume kids would have the coordination and dexterity to complete that level.

Holy shit that Garfield website was an assault on my eyes! I took me a second to see that actual comic amid all the colorful shit surrounding it.

Got my Vans on cuz they look like sa-neakers.

I love it when Paulie mathematically calculates how much time he'll spent in purgatory so matter-of-factly.

All the Juggalos out here (northern California) are all about white power, so I'm actually surprised to hear about Black and Latino Juggalos in Chicago.

@aleskel: It is!

Back in the days, when I was a teenager
Before I had status and before I had a pager.

One of the best lines of this episode
When Bart asks Herman how he lost his arm, and he answers with the advice, (paraphrasing) "when the bus driver tells you not to stick your arm out of the bus, you'd better not do it." That line just gets me. Pretty much every field trip began with the bus driver telling us not to