A Real Live Ichthyologist

Carneval and Johnson (2015) came up with this great binomial for a fossil cusk eel:

When Ichthyology isn't paying the bills, I make extra income as a professional musician. For the past 15 years or so, I have had the pleasure of performing behind Don Rickles once a year. He used to personally insult every member of the band, but he stopped doing that a couple of years ago; he just ran out of energy

Unless its been said already, you MUST try Penzy's double-strength vanilla! It is a necessity for any kind of cookie. I usually double the recommended amount!

My hand first fell on the Trinidad seasoning, but when I saw the original typewritten label on the Florida pepper, I had to go with it!

Two quick ones:

If you ever find yourself in the Milwaukee area, a trip to the original Spice House in 'Tosa is well worth it! Its just a short drive, more or less straight west, from downtown Milwaukee. It is exactly as described in the article: a small, cramped, crowded, wonderful jumble of sights and scents where you can get

Based on your name, and your stated Wisconsin heritage, I often wondered if you were of the "Spice House Penzeys;" I am glad to see you are

I think you are more or less dead-on. Here in the once-proud state of Wisconsin, the dean of conservative AM radio, Charlie Sykes, came out early and vociferously as being "Never Trump," and suddenly found his audience rebelling against him. He has said in numerous interviews, and apparently in a forthcoming book,

A Phil Woods fan!?!?! Here!?!?! Have an upvote, my friend!

The saxophonist this no-talent assclown is shitting on is none other than the great Phil Woods, who just last week retired from live performances due to age and emphysema. Surely he deserves better, whether you like this song or not, than this.

Pssssh! This is nuthin'!

You are dead-on correct!

Long-time lurker, occassional poster here.
As a Stephen King fan, and a big fan of 'It' in particular, I have read all the commentary about this now infamous scene, and I have thought it over a lot. It is still kinda creepy to me (these are 5th graders, after all!), but I think I understand what King was trying to do

No, this is without a doubt the perviest; no wonder it was never released!

Noel, I am disappointed!

Noel, I am disappointed!

Affleck was the bomb in Phantoms, yo!

Stevie Wonder, "Sir Duke:"

One man, and one man only is needed
Brock Fucking Samson

Yeah, I saw her a number of years ago when she was on tour with the New York Rock and Soul Review. Despite having Steely Dan, solo Donald Fagen, Michael McDonald, Boz Scaggs, and Charles Brown on the bill, she brought the place down with 'Poetry Man.' It was a great song choice at just the right time; it provided