
Oh God, there's two of them?

Good, because they miss out on great moments like Richard Burton being nominated for the umpteenth time and clearly not giving a shit whether he wins this time or not.

Hey, are they still doing that thing from a few years ago where past winners get up and tell this year's nominees how awesome they are? because that's kinda lame, I liked it better when they just read off the names and cut to each individual nominee looking nervous/bored/pissed.

Christolph Waltz: Two Tarantino movies, two Oscars.
Samuel L. Jackson: Every Tarantino movie (except Reservoir Dogs), no Oscars.

She Watch Channel Zero is awesome. Step back, Adams.

Jubilee Street features the line "I've Got a Fetus on a Leash" which is a mobius strip running back and forth between being the best and worst lyric ever, over and over again, for all eternity.

Jon Voight playing a Swede or something on Gunsmoke. You know, any one episode of Gunsmoke likely had a who's who of famous actors, like the one where William Shatner plays a dandyish outlaw on the run from Ben Johnson and Timothy Carey(!)

Man, can't these hit-and-run Twitter and Yahoo refugees that crop up every time someone mentions politics around here ever come up with something better than "NO U"?

Shut the fuck up, Lobsters.

Sure, keep picking on the south, when New Jersey still exists.

I've never seen her show, but I recently saw where she said on Howard Stern that she was "thin for Detroit" and accused of racism. I don't know if it was racist, but if that's an example of her comedic ability, I'm glad I haven't seen her show.

Humble Pie did a live version that goes on for like 30 minutes. This one is better actually.

Wait, you can just pay to get your job back if you're a cop? This would solve a lot of problems in L.A. right now.

That Tarzan movie with her and Casper Van Dien is one of those things that I think I just hallucinated seeing the ads for.

That cover of I Walk On Gilded Splinters is pretty awesome, but I'm not sure how it fits into the country part of the equation. 

And they don't even sound like The Dead Boys. To me, anyway.

That it does, but I'd rank the beginning up there with the best of the Ballard I've read.

Pervy Spader is kinda redundant.