
You crazy, bro.

You could be right and this movie could suck for all I know, but this type of review ("U ONLY LIKE IT CUZ U WANNA SOUND SMART!!!11") is pretty much the least valid type of review ever. So you should be flagged less for spoilers than for being stupid.

You could be right and this movie could suck for all I know, but this type of review ("U ONLY LIKE IT CUZ U WANNA SOUND SMART!!!11") is pretty much the least valid type of review ever. So you should be flagged less for spoilers than for being stupid.

I'm looking forward to her next album, Larks' Tongues in Aspic.

I'm looking forward to her next album, Larks' Tongues in Aspic.

I'm a sucker for wilderness movies in general. like, it could be a static shot of those three people standing in that field for two hours and i'd still go see it.

I'm a sucker for wilderness movies in general. like, it could be a static shot of those three people standing in that field for two hours and i'd still go see it.

Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia, too.

Bring Me The Head Of Alfredo Garcia, too.

I hate to be that guy, but I came here hoping to see Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life and was sorely disappointed.

I hate to be that guy, but I came here hoping to see Cyber Seduction: His Secret Life and was sorely disappointed.

Romeo + Juliet. Fuck that movie.

Romeo + Juliet. Fuck that movie.

Wait, are you implying that No Heroes is less than fucking awesome?

Wait, are you implying that No Heroes is less than fucking awesome?

This review sounds like my general opinion of Axe To Fall. But Axe To Fall was still pretty awesome so that bodes well for this.

This review sounds like my general opinion of Axe To Fall. But Axe To Fall was still pretty awesome so that bodes well for this.

He's coming in. I feel safer already.

He's coming in. I feel safer already.

But it's John Cale, so it's probably pretty good. Or at least I'd assume so based on the fact that everything up to and including Slow Dazzle tends to be pretty good. I kinda lost track after that.