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Maybe they only let you be in "3eb" if you superglue your urethra shut.

Once again I must insist that all Showtime original programming take place in the same fictional universe. Maybe Lizzy-Caplan-in-old-person-make-up is so disgusted by American sexedence that she joins Al-Qaida and beheads Hank Moody's goth daughter.

Maybe Nicky shows him a bunch of pictures but he still doesn't recognize any of them so he squirts some ranch dressing onto the photos to see if that makes any of them more familiar.

I made an unofficial sequel as well.

One day the "Male" part of that sentence will be redundant and we will have made it.

They all look the same.

Isn't he big on oppression or something. I decided I don't like him because of that thing I read on Buzzfeed.

You know who else had a ton of sisters? Joey. You just made Joey, Channing Tatum.

Maybe because #YOLO was such a big deal they thought this would work. I blame Drake for this.

Maybe the porn guys could do This Ain't Titanic XXX, This Ain't Love Boat XXX and This Ain't Captain Phillips XXX all on the same day.

Maybe he was an alien flying through the atmosphere and he accidentally fell on the Titanic. The real reason the Titanic sank was because Obama airlifted in an iceberg to cover up the existence of the lizard-smokestack alien race he belongs to.

Can you draw racism.



So Bradley Cooper has film-boned Jennifer Lawrence and looks like he will do Emma Stone next. Is Elle Fanning next?

Maybe it's a big fan keeping you floating in the air in a really dark room.

Maybe Guy painted a target on his face so he could make the facial more fun.

Treacher wants us to know that he only fucks the dogs.

Who would win in a brain-fight between all the blonde anchors and the one brunette lady with glasses.

She can burn down my house any time!