The Most Popular Commenter

If I hadn't gone outside today I would have been able to make that gag first.

She had the "quirky" notch dialed up one tenth of a notch too much.

Welcome to the Bone Zone!

You're society's herpes,

Was her name alliterative.

I was being fecesious.
I mean I was being faceous.I mean I was being silly

Can I have the rights to produce plushies of the giant black "CENSORED" block?

I'm comfortable being The Most Popular Commenter.

I feel like we need a 9/11 sitcom. Is Dennis Leary available to play a fireman?

It's not quite as good as True [,Alexander Skarsgard's penis is something many want to see, and his character likes] Blood [because he's a vampire].

You can't have Rageh, America.

Are there any good Simmons?

He's quarreling with Chase and Milch about who gets Gilligan first.

Goddamnit, that's twice I've been beaten to the Tubgirl joke.

@LiberalCollegeFreshman:disqus No, I just saw a few scenes, read the IMDB and then GIS'd all the actresses.

He gave good face-blowing-about-in-slow-motion in that Battleship trailer.

We do have various BBQ sauces and marinades for sale over here in our supermarkets and I am extremely grateful.

I was going to say True [all the] Blood [going to the penis] but that wouldn't account for all the ladies. Does blood rush to nipples when they get erect?

It even had Christie from the straight-to-DVD Tekken movie naked in it. (Although her hair was seemingly glued to her nipples the whole time.)

So Fassbender has his Shame and Hardy has his Bronson.What do I call Skarsgard's willy?