
Or as I used to call it, "Slummerville."  No wait, I still call it that. 

Or as I used to call it, "Slummerville."  No wait, I still call it that. 

A favorite when I was a kid was Santa Clause is Watching you by Ray Stevens.  My poor parents had to listen to us pester to hear it over and over again.

That girl looks like a crazier and more meth-influenced version of Jennifer Jason Leigh circa Flesh & Blood.  Zero art going on in those pictures as well, and I know shit posing as art when I see it.  I was a freshman at Mass College of Art during the Mapplethorpe days (yeah, I'm old) so got to to hear folks argue

i.yam.wut.i.yam.  Awesome.  Seriously.  I can't stop laughing.

Craig JC, wins.

Lexicondevil, the Bigfoot board game was not a fever dream. We had it when I was a kid. We also had a Bermuda Triangle board game where it was your fleet of ships against a roaming, plastic cloud of doom. I was born in 71 and wouldn't trade that era for anything. X-boxes, 500 channel cable and iPhones be damned.