Sluggo The Ass Rapist

Shut up with your gay quotes.

What the fuck is that thing.

She's like Evangeline Lily without the looks.

Your Mom sounds reductively spare.

I hope you get eaten.

One on the left is hideous.

Stoop kid's afraid to leave his stoop.

Yes, "all conservatives are racist", that's not an outrageous blanket statement or anything.

I haven't seen this much fake sincerity since I blew up that children's orphanage.

Her blood type is sausage.


Cheat on your husband.

I'm eating a big bowl of shit.

Disgusting. Flagged.

The Goosebumps ones were better.

Good to see she's still whoring herself out to the highest bidder.

These movies are gonna flop, big time.

Get off the Internet.

Ha ha, potatoes.

No pop culture for me this week, lads.