Mr Bubbles

Leaving these here. No place else to put them.

Negative and fascinated/angered by homoerotic undercurrents. Great combination.

The Lazlo plot felt like step back for the spy side of the show although I appreciate the show using his situation to sow doubt in Chuck's mind about Sarah and Casey.

I can't figure out the Morgan hate. Little guy is adorable. Josh Gomez does some great things with facial expressions. Actually this cast has a lot of great physical actors.

So our team gets YS in skimpy outfits and the other team gets that guy. Seems fair.


Definitely felt like a drop in quality from the pilot but that doesn't seem very out of the ordinary.

Finally took netflix's advice and started watching Chuck. Pretty good.

I love how it's really just blandly similar to regular space space.

Sorry. Sidetracked.

I would send money to the internet to make this happen. Seriously. I would pay money. How do we do this?

So far the near future totally sucks.

Let's just pretend it's already June. I can't wait much longer to watch Crichton Kicks.

I love how all these original broadcast audience types are always like "you don't know what it was like. we had to wait months between seasons. no netflix for us. no sir. nothing to do but patch our quilts and mend the fences."

How did that happen? Anyway, not much unsaid left to say at this point.

One of my favorite Farscape fanvids. I like a lot of the other Farscape tributes by that same vider.

I love Noranti and Sikozu and Season 4 and Prefect Murder and Coup by Clam and Crichton Kicks and the Glaring Lack of Aeryn in Early Season 4. There, I've said it.

Christ, talk about being late to the party.

Nice thoughts.

I agree. That pause is really good. His delivery of the line "unless we do something radical, together" is also great.