Mr Bubbles

One story? Absolutely. All the stories?

The first time I watched WGFA my brain was oozing out my ears by the time pilot-on-drums showed up.

Everybody looks sexy in psychologist suits. It's why psychologists wear them.

Blame may have been too strong a word.

One of my favorite things about starting a full series rewatch is how relatively innocent and happy everyone seems in early Season 1.


Yeah that was quite a post.

@avclub-284452bdab5c8151f9f079dc367ceb6b:disqus Me too.

The criticisms of Farscape by Moore that I've heard about are supposedly on the BSG episode commentaries.

@avclub-eb058ced22520c3a8f4e4a6e2fb16403:disqus I've read exactly that same account. I can't remember where, maybe on watchfarscape.com which seems to be down at the moment.

I wish so much that there were more of those.

But is he revolted because those thoughts are totally foreign too him or is he revolted because the scarren is actually bringing up thoughts he'd rather not admit exist?

@avclub-cb0e59b8f769a8698b9f7154dd8809b5:disqus thanks for the recommendation!

Am I right that this episode doesn't have an audio commentary?

I think that there are a good number of people out there who actually prefer the Farscape of early Season One.

Yes, love everything Wizard of Oz about this show.

That's a great list. Those are all favorites of mine as well.

I actually think it's great that Firefly has the legacy that it does. It was a great series over its very short run and clearly deserved more time than it got.

I have really conflicted feelings about BSG.
