Every scene in that office is absolutely magnificent.
Every scene in that office is absolutely magnificent.
Yeah the gay-panicness of that scene is pretty uncomfortable.
@avclub-12424fc9df6acac0b24c955f29a981a8:disqus totally agree about Browder in WGFA.
And he's totally emotionally uninvested in his meddling which I think makes it that much more menacing.
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus that's a great observation about Farscape's avoidance of piling unsolved mystery on top of unsolved mystery. I blame David Lynch BTW.
The whole episode is visually gorgeous and uses those visuals to such great effect in enhancing the whole mind frell experience for the viewer.
I enjoy the Vorc story line in BOD enough that if that's all there was I'd probably include it in every rewatch. Just for Claudia Black doing comedy.
That scene of fake Aeryn pretending to save John is a masterpiece of audience manipulation.
Yes, totally agree. I love that the show is so unflinching both in what it does to Crichton and in how badly he deals with it.
It really is an amazingly well constructed emotional roller coaster ride.
@avclub-0ae7484a9f3bbd2a21df420050c032ae:disqus : one of the best descriptions of WGFA's merits that I've ever read.
@avclub-a9b08c6e5802aa231f08eaf9949f5294:disqus that's a great analysis of both C/D and J/A: the relationships and the characters.
This is one of the most in-depth interviews with Claudia Black that I've heard and it's also a great reminder of what a smart and funny person she seems to be:
There's an awesome joke in here somewhere but I totally can't find it right now.
She's marvelous as Ahkna.
@avclub-f5fc0943a2d597c869afec4103a54605:disqus re feedback:
Crichton can be such an awesomely self-obsessed a-hole sometimes.
Totally. That was really pretty poorly done. Especially for this show. Too bad since I've really come to like those two episodes otherwise.