Noam Sane

Saw a piece that said Fox is considering Tucker Carlson to replace. Pearl necklaces for everybody!

I had a band called the Be Dulls for a while.

I'm trying to, god knows.

Jesus is just alright. I'd give him a 7 out of 10.

He's a genius. Doesn't hit it out of the park every time, but often enough. The film of his 2014 Wall tour is very good and very moving. The staging for that show was brilliant, and it should be recognized as one of the greatest art installations ever.

It doesn't sound like Islamophobia to me. He's fond of quoting some statistics that, while I haven't checked their accuracy, are fairly disturbing.

She's pretty far-right-wackadoo herself.


Let's give Steve Bannon a hug, everyone!

He would be much more loved if he would die.

As long as King has nothing to do with the production, it has a chance to be great. I'd watch Gleeson sit in a chair and read a book.

Yes, so it's actually good that I waited, I guess. I assume the new stuff comes at the end…?

Not including that website. Holy geez.

Once again, thank you Ted Turner for making the world a better place.

Yeah, I loved that one too. I was a big Nat Lamp fan in my teens. The Internet Archive had many issues online for a while, I was surprised looking through them how little I remembered. But between that and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, it explains why I turned into such an obnoxious wise-ass, post high school.

3 hours of Toni Erdman - that's a long way to go for a dislike

Still working through Elvis Costello's autobio. Interesting if a bit too self-congratulatory. But then, this is a guy who hung out in Oscar Peterson's basement listening to him swap Nat Cole tunes with Diana Krall.

When I could afford to live in San Francisco, I was able to see both the original cut and the '98 cut at the Castro; the latter is far superior in that it gives the film an energy and forward motion that the studio cut lacked. Where the original cut separated the two storylines - the investigation in Mexico and Janet

Don't forget, Michelle wore a sleeveless dress. That was pretty much the end of humanity right there.

This is a great piece, lots of points that could be argued, but i'll just point out that Cat Stevens once said he approved of a death sentence for another artist, based on the content of that person's art, and has never explicitly recanted that position. He should be forgotten, ignored, excluded, and generally shit on