
Did they know rape was about power in the 60s?
I know this is super late, but I haven't seen anybody ask this. Even today everybody doesn't know that rape is about power and not sex. A few years ago I took a Human Sexuality class (only one of the required health classes with sex in the title and I'm a guy) and when

By wrapping it up like Firefly I meant instead of just canceling it there's going to be a movie so there can be some sense of cloture. Unless they want this to be like Star Trek where they have several movies with the original cast, the movie should be the end to Jack's story. They didn't know this season was going to

Skipskatte, I don't like President Taylor at all, but I don't want her to get assassinated because she'd turn into a martyr in the 24 world. They'd start the movie off with a memorial or some other scene with people talking about her great she was and throughout the movie people would make mention her to the point

Forgot to say how I'd end it. Through some bizarre turn of events Jack ends up being king of America. Would that really make less sense or be dumber than some of the plot lines we've seen?

I too wish the writers would have known this was the last season.
Although with the movie it looks like they'll get to wrap up the story like Firefly. I think if they had known before they would have put a little more into the season. To say they've half-assed some of the stories is an understatement. If they knew

If anything, I think Hank would be more likely to believe Walt hit Skyler than manufacturing drugs if he thinks it isn't cheating. Between him exploding at the cop, making Walt Jr drink and other stuff, looking at it from Hank's eyes Walt would look like he has rage issues and could become violent. Whatever he thinks,

I agree for two reasons. First, I was in the group that didn't like the cousins walking away from an explosion without looking at it. When Walt did it to the douchey guy it was awesome and showed how he was changing, but this was the first time they showed how bad ass the cousins are supposed to be and I expected

I could not agree more when you said that if stuff from The Office "appeared on 30 Rock, it would be used as another example of why the show is so tired and disappointing." I just posted here for the first time on the 30 Rock episode about how he judges it differently than other shows. You can have a fan review the

That's how Floyd acts when he's drunk
In the first episode with Floyd he said the last time he drank he game a fan on the street review and they cut to him acting exactly how he acted in this episode. I'm sorry he didn't act drunk how you wanted him to, but this is consistent with his character. They already